Bursal bunching, thickening and inflammation (bursitis) are common ‘soft-tissue’ related problems occurring around shoulders, hips, knees and elbows. Although acute bursal irritation can be painful and limiting, it’s usually not a serious or long-term problem.
This is often labeled growing pain or shin splints and most parents like to treat this with a ‘wait and see’ approach. We commonly see these children once their symptoms become bad.
Cramping is an involuntary, strong, sustained contraction of a muscle or muscle group. We all experience them at some stage, and when we do, they turn us all into a screaming mess.
Spring has hit and it’s the season for running. November brings with it a swarm of recreational runners coming through our doors with lower limb injuries like “shin splints” and achilles pain.
This blog post provides information on reducing the risk of injury during exercise sessions. It emphasises the importance of a proper warm-up, sufficient sleep, regular mobilisation exercises, proper technique, and consistent training.
Hip pain is one of the most common complaints for females trying to get back to exercise. Here is Carly's story about trying to get back to running after having her children, and why Clinical Pilates was part of the solution.
Frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis, is a condition characterised by inflammation, thickening and contraction of the shoulder capsule causing severe pain and stiffness.
The current research suggests that approximately 85% of runners will be injured at some stage. As physiotherapists and fellow runners, we understand the frustration surrounding injuries, especially those that stop you from running.
As musculoskeletal physiotherapists we may need to order imaging to exclude fractures, neurological issues or serious pathology. However, most of these conditions account for less than 5% of musculoskeletal presentations.
Quick fixes, miracle cures and an industry built on the vulnerability of people in pain. How have we made so many medical developments in the past decade, yet the incidence of back pain has not changed?
A tendon attaches muscle to bone. When a tendon is loaded during muscle contractions or as our body interacts with the environment, stored energy is released and the tendon moves from a lengthened position to a shortened position or vice versa.
Shoulder pain is one of the most common conditions treated here at Eastside Physio + Co. Here we break down the pathology, causes, and treatment options for sub-acromial shoulder impingement.
Eastside Women's Health Physio, Claire, talks all things water works. Yep, stress incontinence is the topic of the day. Here Claire shares a recent story about a patient struggling with incontinence.